Kent Toussaint

“How do I protect my son from the new crowd that he has glommed onto?” Many parents worry about the friends their child has and whether or not they are a good or bad influence. This week on Tips on Teens, Kent answers a parent wondering how to protect her son from new friends that she doesn’t seem to like very much. Here’s the question: “How do I protect …

“How do I protect my son from the new crowd that he has glommed onto?” Read More »

“What can we do as parents to help manage our daughter’s school stress and help her not burn out?” This week’s Tips on Teens addresses a question from a mother who wants a bit more insight into our topic from last segment. She wonders how to help her daughter with the intense amount pressure from school. Kent is here to offer some advice! Here’s the question: “Thank you for your video the other …

“What can we do as parents to help manage our daughter’s school stress and help her not burn out?” Read More »

“How do I get my son to understand the importance of school?” School and homework are known by many parents to be the source of inevitable arguments and feuds. This week’s Tips on Teens features a parenting question from a mother who has become very frustrated with her son’s performance in school. Here’s the question: “No matter what we do, our teenage son is not doing …

“How do I get my son to understand the importance of school?” Read More »

“Any discussion about politics gets ugly and I feel it’s tearing our family apart. What can we do to get back to sanity?” Political discussions have a tendency to stir up all sorts of emotions and can get out of hand quickly. It can be even more heated when discussing these topics with family. For this week’s Tips On Teens, Kent will be answering the following parenting question from a mother who is getting tired of the …

“Any discussion about politics gets ugly and I feel it’s tearing our family apart. What can we do to get back to sanity?” Read More »

“My daughter wants to go to a hip-hop concert with music we don’t like. Should we let her go?” This week’s Tips On Teens question comes from a mother who is concerned about her daughter’s taste in music. Many parents struggle with this same problem and have no idea how to handle it! Kent is here to give some insight into this topic. Here’s the question: “My 17 year old daughter wants to …

“My daughter wants to go to a hip-hop concert with music we don’t like. Should we let her go?” Read More »

“I’m scared of my son… What can I do about this?” It’s not uncommon for parents to be afraid of their kids. Some are worried about being too strict, while others are simply scared of their kid having a tantrum and breaking things. Kent answers this question from a parent who is afraid of her son and feels like she’s lost all sense of control …

“I’m scared of my son… What can I do about this?” Read More »

“How do I stop my daughter from smoking weed?” Nearly all teenagers these days have tried smoking weed or have friends who smoke weed. Some parents are okay with it while others are not. Kent will be answering the following question from a concerned parent about her daughter’s smoking habits: “My daughter is smoking weed. She says that since she’s almost 18 that …

“How do I stop my daughter from smoking weed?” Read More »

“I hate my son’s girlfriend… Please help!” It’s not uncommon for parents to dislike their teen’s significant other. This week, Kent answers a question from a mother who is fed up with her son’s manipulative girlfriend. Here’s the question: “I hate my son’s girlfriend! He has turned into a totally different person since they started dating. He has always been such …

“I hate my son’s girlfriend… Please help!” Read More »

“Should I let my kids decide on the custody schedule during a divorce?” Divorce can be hard for everyone involved. For this week’s “Tips on Teens” video blog, Kent will answer the following question from a mother who is in the process of getting divorced and is wondering whether her kids should be involved in the decisions regarding custody schedules: “My husband and I are going through …

“Should I let my kids decide on the custody schedule during a divorce?” Read More »

“Should I force my son to do something extracurricular?” This week’s “Tips on Teens” comes from a mother who is tired of her son spending all day on his phone and is wondering if she should force her son to do something extracurricular. Here’s the question: “My son is about to start high school and I really want him to do something extracurricular. …

“Should I force my son to do something extracurricular?” Read More »