Helping Teens and Families Live Happier Lives
Helping Teens and Families Live Happier Lives
Helping Teens and Families Live Happier Lives
Helping Teens and Families Live Happier Lives
How do you talk to your middle school tweenager about heavy topics like suicide? Well, let's
talk about that today on Tips on Teens. My name is Kent Toussaint. I'm a licensed marriage and
family therapist, and I specialize in helping kids, teens, and families to live happier lives.
I lead two organizations, Teen Therapy Center and the nonprofit 501c3 organization, child
and teen counseling, both here in Woodland Hills, California. Every Wednesday at noon, I jump
onto Facebook Live to answer your parenting questions. Let's answer today's. There have been
several reported runaways and suicide attempts at our middle school this semester. How should
I be talking to my kids about this without freaking them or me out? Thank you for your question.
This is a really tough one. I totally understand the discomfort and the fear aligned with all
this. How you talk about it, the first thing is make sure that you are feeling grounded and comfortable
or at least able to embrace the discomfort of the conversation.
Because if you're scared of it, and you're hesitant, your kids are going to pick up on that. And
they're going to be just as hesitant, if not more. So it's really important that you're doing
your work on yourself, whether that's through journaling, talking to your own therapist or
whatever that is, make sure you feel you can talk about this in a direct and respectful manner.
Second, let's create an environment where there's little to no distraction where you guys
can talk. Maybe that's in the car, maybe that's in her bedroom or in the kitchen table. And again,
that is without a cell phone present. I know that's a challenge, but that's, you know, the cell
phone just going to get in the way. Third is just talk about a directly with some compassion.
You know, you can say, Hey, I know, there's been a lot of, you know, suicide attempts at school
lately. And I imagine it's got to be kind of tough. I'm curious how you're feeling about it. Now,
you may get the you know, don't let that throw you.
It's okay. Stay in the conversation and say, Well, if I were you, I would have a lot of feelings.
And I just want you to know that I want to be a safe place for you to talk about that. And you may still
get the shrugging of shoulders and say, Hey, you know, I just want to make sure you're feeling
safe and you don't feel alone because a lot of times suicide or running away comes from the same
place of feeling trapped, feeling overwhelmed, feeling like you don't know what to do. And
so it feels like, you know, it's the cliche line. It's the permanent solution to a temporary
problem. Some kids relate to that. Some kids won't, it just depends. But I want to make sure you
don't feel trapped. And I'm wondering, have you ever felt this way? Have you ever felt like you
need to kill yourself or run away to escape your problems? Right now, I know the alarm bells in
your head are ringing, like, I can't say that. I'm gonna give them the idea, and you're not. You're
not. If they haven't thought about
it, they're likely to say, no, and roll the eyes, and you can probably take them at their word.
If you ask the question, hey, have you thought about suicide before, or running away, and you
get the long pause, or you just get the hmm there may be something more there and I think it's okay
to acknowledge that hey you know your long pause or your ambiguous answer you know makes me concerned
because I love you so much I want to make sure that you don't feel alone and you don't feel trapped
and if you can't talk to me I want to make sure you have someone to talk to whether that's your cousin
whether that's a therapist whether that's your rabbi whoever that is someone who can be a support
for your teenager and or teenager. And if you need to find that person, I encourage you to find
that person. But it's talking about, you know, coping skills that you know, through creativity,
through physical activities, social activities, grounding exercises, exercises like breathing
exercises, there's a lot
of things that help, but helping them understand that being alone with these feelings is overwhelming.
Sharing these feelings in a safe place where you're not going to feel judged, where you're going
to feel supported, not necessarily that you're going to give the answers, just that you can
just listen and understand may be enough. And I think it's helping to create those environments
and helping them understand that those environments are there. Also providing the 988, the
National Suicide Hotline. So if they have, you know, three in the morning they can't sleep and
they don't want to wake you up, but they're willing to call 988, that's an option too. It's a big
topic. Again, running away and suicide, painting with a broad brush here, often come from the
same place of feeling overwhelmed, feeling like these problems are beyond one's capacity
to handle and it'll never end. As adults, we know, most of us, that problems come and go. And no
matter how big the problem is, eventually it passes.
And it depends not, the problem is not what defines us, it's how we respond to the problem. and
helping our kids understand how we respond to problems is what defines us, who we are, not the
problem itself. This is a huge topic, obviously, and I'm going to scratch the surface a little
bit, but I think it's really important to talk about kids directly about this in an open and healthy
conversation, not trying to convince them, not trying to change their minds, but help them
understand that you understand how they feel. That's our question for today. Again, my name
is Kent Toussaint with Teen Therapy Center. If you want more information, give us a call at our
phone number below. We love to hear your questions. If you want me to answer your question here
on Tips on Teens, you can email us at tipsonteens at teentherapycenter .com. You can also join
our Facebook group, Tips on Teens. We'd love to have you join. Thanks again, and I'll see you
guys next week. Bye -bye.
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Online and Phone Sessions Available!
Teen Therapy Center is offering virtual therapy through platforms like Zoom, FaceTime, or via phone call. Whether you attend session in-person or from home, our therapists remain committed to providing a high level of care, compassion, and support for you and your family.
Our Latest "Tips on Teens" Video
Tips on Teens is our weekly segment on Facebook Live where Kent Toussaint answers your parenting questions. We cover a wide range of topics affecting teens and their families. We’ve archived all the videos right here on the site.
Click below to search our library of Tips on Teens videos for answers to your questions. As always, we love to hear your questions. Send them to us here.
Your 15 -year -old daughter is in an abusive relationship with her boyfriend and it's driving
both your daughter and you insane. What are we going to do about it? Well, let's talk about that
today on Tips on Teens. My name is Kent Tussaud. I'm a licensed marriage and family therapist
and I specialize in helping kids, teens, and families to live happier lives. By the way, if you
or someone you care for could really benefit from consulting with a compassionate and effective
family therapist, please contact us here at Teen Therapy Center. Our contact info is in the
caption below. Now let's jump into today's, let's jump into today's parent -submitted question
on Tips on Teens. My 15 -year -old daughter has been dating a guy for about six months. He is controlling,
asks her to block male friends, and has violent behaviors. He told her that if I, the mom, became
frustrating to beat me up. I have tried to explain that he will do that to her. I understand that
trying to separate them can have the
opposite than desired result and she can get more attached to him. I just want her to understand
that all those controlling behaviors are not okay. But I don't know how to do it. I don't know
if I should take away the phone or not. Every time we talk about him not being good for her, she
has a panic attack. I have tried to tell her that the pain won't get better. She keeps putting
him over everything else, including her parents and her future. I feel like I am losing her to
him. Please help me. Thank you for your question. This is in response to last week's question,
which is a very similar vein, but we had a boy with a toxic girlfriend, a lot of the advice is going
to be similar. But there are a couple of things that really stand out here. Number one, you are
scared about this boyfriend's violent behavior. You may need to alert law enforcement. I don't
know. I don't know the extent of what violent behavior is. But if he is threatening her, threatening
you, that may be something that constitutes
law enforcement. Maybe a restraining order. I don't know, but you need to resolve this and figure
out where the extent of the law can be here. Secondly, when you talk about her, you know, having
panic attacks, when you talk about this, panic attacks, that's a real thing. That's not something
just to like dismiss like, oh, she'll get over it. She may need more support, whether that's
from a therapist, maybe eventually medication. I don't know, but consulting with professionals,
mental health professionals may help you support your daughter and may help her find a more
of an even balance so she can make more thoughtful decisions on this. And I agree with you, the
more you try to badmouth the boyfriend and point out how bad he is, likely the more she's going
to run towards him and gonna tell the boyfriend everything you said and just going to separate
you more and more from your daughter. You know, I think it is important to still maintain appropriate
boundaries. Whether that's about going
to school, homework, household chores, dinner with a family, all those things still need to
be in place. And don't focus on how the boyfriend is impeding it, but her decision. She is making
these choices and the more we can empower her to make thoughtful choices may help her eventually
make thoughtful choices to find a healthier relationship. So we've talked about individual
therapy, we've talked about possibly psychiatry, I I don't know if she needs that, but it's
worth talking about. But also maybe a group therapy, maybe a group of other high school girls
where she can talk to other girls and talk about this situation. Sometimes hearing from other
peers going, hey, that's crazy, you shouldn't put up with that, may help her start realizing
that maybe this is not the best relation for her. Again, like most teenage relationships, please
be patient because they all seem to end. They all, I mean, how many of us are really dating our
high school girlfriend or boyfriend? Very, very few. Now,
does it happen? Yes. Is it likely to happen in this relationship? Probably not. So be patient.
Now, this is really hard to do. I'm not giving you easy advice to follow because watching your
daughter suffer and choose to put herself in this abusive situation is really hard. And I wanna
make sure that you're getting your support so you're not projecting your anxiety and your fear
and your anger onto her. So you can be that safe place. So when she does recognize, hey, I'm in
over my head, I need help, you are a safe place. She doesn't see you as wagging your finger saying,
I told you so, because that will prevent her from going to you for support and compassion and
help. It's a tough situation. Make sure you're getting support. Maybe look into getting your
daughter's support, either in individual therapy, group therapy, possibly psychiatry,
because the panic attacks, my hunch is this is not the only place she's having panic attacks.
So look into the options of support you have for her because
the boyfriend is a symptom. It's not the cause of everything. I'm not saying he's not adding
fuel to the fire because he probably is, but it's not like you get rid of the boyfriend and she
goes back to being a healthy, happy kid. There's something else going on. That's my hunch. Anyways,
thank you for your question. We love your questions. Keep them coming. If you'd like me to answer
your question here on Tips on Teens, every Wednesday at noon, live on Facebook Live, email us
at tipsonteens at teen therapy center .com. Or you can direct messages right here on Facebook.
We love your questions. Again, my name is Kent Toussaint with Teen Therapy Center and the nonprofit
501 c three organization, child and teen counseling here in Woodland Hills, California. Thank
you and we'll see you next Wednesday. Bye bye.
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"Ask Kent" at CBS Morning News
Our Clinical Director, Kent Toussaint, appeared on his ongoing segment “Ask Kent” at CBS Morning News. Kent answered questions from parents about REAL parenting issues.
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