
“Should I force my son to do something extracurricular?” This week’s “Tips on Teens” comes from a mother who is tired of her son spending all day on his phone and is wondering if she should force her son to do something extracurricular. Here’s the question: “My son is about to start high school and I really want him to do something extracurricular. …

“Should I force my son to do something extracurricular?” Read More »

“My daughter recently graduated college and now seems paralyzed living at home with no job. What am I supposed to do?” This week’s “Tips on Teens” features a question from a mother who is unsure how to handle her daughter returning to live at home after graduating college. Here’s the question: “My daughter recently graduated from a UC with a major in Communications and has returned home. She did very well in school, but now …

“My daughter recently graduated college and now seems paralyzed living at home with no job. What am I supposed to do?” Read More »

“Is it a good idea for my Teen to get a summer job?” For this week’s segment, Kent discusses teens and summer jobs by answering the following question from a concerned parent: “My daughter is turning 16 and she doesn’t have much to do outside of homework and use her phone at all hours of the day. Do you think it’s a good idea for her to …

“Is it a good idea for my Teen to get a summer job?” Read More »