
Extracurricular Activities and Your Kid

Most parents want their kids to get involved in extracurricular activities. Sports, art classes, volunteering and a whole range of other kinds of pursuits are important in the development of kids. But why? Engaging in extracurricular activities gives kids an organized social setting where they can develop their social skills.


Is your kid struggling to complete their homework more so than you think is reasonable? If so, the first step is to rule out any issues that you think might interfere with their ability to stay focused.

Quiet Quitting

“Quiet Quitting” is a name for something that ‘s been around a long time. It just hasn’t had its own hashtag until now. Quiet Quitting is when someone who doesn’t enjoy their work or is dissatisfied with their job does just the minimum amount of work necessary to avoid being fired. In the age of social media Quiet Quitting has become its own trend.

How do I motivate my teen to be on time?!

f you’re struggling to motivate your teen to be more considerate of others, rest assured. Your kid won’t be 14 forever. In the meantime however, you may have to impose some boundaries and implement some reasonable consequences to manage the situation.