“What can we do as parents to help manage our daughter’s school stress and help her not burn out?” This week’s Tips on Teens addresses a question from a mother who wants a bit more insight into our topic from last segment. She wonders how to help her ...
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“How do I get my son to understand the importance of school?” School and homework are known by many parents to be the source of inevitable arguments and feuds. This week’s Tips on Teens features a parenting question from a mother ...
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“Should I force my son to do something extracurricular?” This week’s “Tips on Teens” comes from a mother who is tired of her son spending all day on his phone and is wondering if she should force her ...
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“How do we help our kids prioritize school work over video games and social media?” this week’s “Tips on Teens” video Kent answers the following question from a parent who is struggling to manage her kids’ screen time: “How do we help our kids prioritize ...
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“How do I get my teen to be more independent?” It’s becoming more and more common for young adults to live at home with their parents until their 20s and even 30s. Kent addresses this concerning trend by answering ...
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“Is it a good idea for my Teen to get a summer job?” For this week’s segment, Kent discusses teens and summer jobs by answering the following question from a concerned parent: “My daughter is turning 16 and she doesn’t have much ...
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“Why Is My Kid So Irresponsible?” In this Tips on Teens video, Kent will be answering the following question about why your teen acts so impulsively all the time: “Ok… seriously nothing my 15-year-old does ...
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