Social Media & Video Games
“How do we help our kids prioritize school work over video games and social media?” this week’s “Tips on Teens” video Kent answers the following question from a parent who is struggling to manage her kids’ screen time: “How do we help our kids prioritize ...
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“What do I do about my son and his obsession with becoming a Fortnite streamer?” Video games are a common source of contention between parents and their kids. Kent answers the following question coming from a concerned and frustrated parent about her son and ...
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How Much Video Game Time is Too Much? (Part 3)
Clues on Kids #001-C In our first article of this series we addressed how video games can hinder emotional connection with family and friends. Video games when left unchecked can ...
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How Much Video Game Time is Too Much? (Part 2)
Clues on Kids #001-B In our first article we addressed how video games can hinder emotional connection with family and friends. Video games when left unchecked can rob a child ...
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How Much Video Game Time is Too Much? (Part 1)
Clues on Kids #001-A I’ll bet that if you let your kid (and some of you probably do) he would sit in front of his game console, computer screen or ...
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