Are you and your kids experiencing extreme burnout from distance learning?
Are you and your kids experiencing extreme burnout from distance learning? What can you do to support them as school resumes again after winter break?
Are you and your kids experiencing extreme burnout from distance learning? What can you do to support them as school resumes again after winter break?
Kent answers the following question from a stepfather who is struggling to better connect with his stepchildren: “How do I get my stepchildren to respect me? I’ve been living with them for over two years and they still fight me when I try to get them to do their chores, homework, etc. My step-sons and …
Today’s Tips on Teens is focused on kids’ access to pornography. Kent answers the following question from a parent who is worried about how porn might be affecting her son: “I’ve caught my 14 year old son looking at porn a couple of times now. Should I be concerned? Aren’t all teens looking at porn? …
“Should I be concerned about my teen looking at porn?” Read More »