Unhealthy Relationship Patterns for Teens

Welcome to Teen Therapy Center. My name is Kent Toussaint. I'm the founder and clinical director.
We are a group private practice here in Woodland Hills, California. We are filled with therapists
who are fun loving, professional, warm, and we specialize in helping kids, teens and families
live happier lives. And we do that because we speak teenager and we speak parent. And we are often
the interpreter in between the two to help bridge those gaps to make sure that teenagers are
finally understanding parents, parents are understanding teenagers. And we're helping
develop greater communication, better empathy, healthier boundaries within the family.
But when we understand a kid or a teenager, we also have to understand what it's like to be a little
kid and a young adult and a parent. Because when you're a teenager, you're in this amazing transition
period where you got 1 foot as a kid and 1 foot in the adult world. And it's confusing and it's frustrating.
You know, I know we've been teenagers. Your teenagers

are going through it for their very first time. And so my job, or our job as therapists is to help
them go through that. We do that through individual therapy, family therapy, and sometimes
group therapy, depending on what your kids needs are. There are a variety of issues we deal with,
obviously. Self esteem issues, school motivation, anxiety, depression, attention issues,
autism spectrum, anyone who identifies multi, exceptional or two E. We work with those people
every day. Kids who are their families are going through divorces or even sometimes when they're
blending families together. Those can be very nuanced, complicated issues. And sometimes
having a therapist to help bridge the gap, help increase and develop better communication
is really helpful. Thanks for stopping by. Please check out our website. Give us a call. We're
happy to provide a complimentary phone consultation so you can ask all your questions. We can
provide you the answers so you feel comfortable choosing us. And

if somehow what you're asking for is outside of our scope, we're happy to provide you other resources
so you can find the referrals you need to get the help you need for you and your family. Thanks
again. My name is Kenta Tussant. This is Teen Therapy Center, and we look forward to talking
to you soon.


Navigating parenthood involves a delicate balance of control and acceptance. It’s essential to recognize that while we can influence some aspects of our children’s lives, there are elements beyond our control. When it comes to concerns about our children repeating unhealthy relationship patterns, the most effective strategy might not always involve direct intervention. Instead, fostering an environment of trust and impartiality may be even more important. By positioning ourselves as reliable sources of solace and support, we create a safe space for our children to turn to when teenage relationships inevitably end, as they almost always do.


If you find yourself grappling with challenges in communication with your teenager, particularly in the face of hostility or resistance, seeking professional therapy can offer invaluable assistance. Providing your teen with the emotional support they require can serve as a powerful catalyst for healing, enabling constructive dialogue and growth for the entire family unit.

It’s a huge topic, and we get into it in this Tips on Teens:

“I have a question regarding my teen daughter. She seems to have aggressions toward me and my biggest fear is she may replicate those aggressions as well onto her current boyfriend. How can I deal with this situation and know the warning signs to look for? Please note she has a broken relationship with her father due to him being abusive and I fear her behavior is from years of watching him act the way he has. Any suggestions would be appreciated.”

Clinical Director Kent Toussaint answers your parenting questions every Wednesday at 12:00pm in our weekly segment Tips On Teens on Facebook Live. Have questions about parenting kids and teens? Send them to: TipsOnTeens@TeenTherapyCenter.com. We love to hear from you!

Head on over to our Facebook page every Wednesday at 12:00pm to watch LIVE!  Check out our page here – https://www.facebook.com/TeenTherapyCenter/

If you have more questions or would like more information, please contact our Clinical Director, Kent Toussaint at 818.697.8555.