Understanding Your Teenager

How to raise a kid with all the negative influences of the modern world?

https://youtu.be/DJ4z_UgMl-w For the very first video blog, Kent answers the following question sent by a parent: The world of parenting has changed drastically over the years. I have to ask ...
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@#$%! Language

Tips on Teens #009 Kids these days… the way they talk. I tell ya, they got no respect. I never spoke that way when I was a kid.  My parents ...
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Allowance for Teens… Respecting the Almighty Dollar (Part 2)

Tips on Teens #025b In last month’s Tips on Teens article, Allowance for Teens… Respecting the Almighty Dollar (Part 1) we discussed the intricacies of why it is important to ...
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Allowance for Teens… Respecting the Almighty Dollar (Part 1)

Tips on Teens #025a Odds are that your teenager has no appreciation for the value of a dollar.  According to the 2014 Teens and Personal Finance Survey from Junior Achievement ...
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Why You Need To Play Catch With Your Kids

Clues on Kids #013 You should play catch with your kid.  It sounds simple enough.  Yet many parents overlook the importance of this profound activity. Profound?  My kid and I ...
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Missing the Sweet Child that Your Teen Used to Be

Tips on Teens #001 Remember that sweet and affectionate child who used to run to meet you at the door, jump into your arms and give you a big kiss? ...
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Impulsive Teen Behavior

Tips on Teens #031 Our last article, Adolescent Brain Development talked about how a teen’s thought process is impaired due to the prefrontal cortex being underdeveloped during the teen years. ...
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All Teenagers Lie… Often!

Tips on Teens #014 The topic of this article will either offer you a great sense of relief or a surprising smack in the face of stunned surprise. Relief because ...
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