Therapy Treatment

Supporting Indifferent Teens

When your once outgoing, happy child becomes indifferent and joyless, it’s rarely something that happens overnight. This kind of change usually unfolds gradually, over weeks or even months. Regardless of ...
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Parental Stress: You’re Not Alone

Parenting is tough, and according to a recent report from the U.S. Surgeon General, 4 in 10 parents feel so overwhelmed by stress that they say they can’t even function. ...
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How Do I Breakup With My Kid’s Therapist

So, you’re not happy with your kid’s therapist, but your child feels attached and doesn’t want to let go. Stay calm; it's important to remember that there will be a ...
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Help! My son met an online girlfriend and left the country

My son met an online girlfriend and left the country suddenly. I can’t explain the emptiness I feel. I’m just gutted.
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Teen Suicide – How do we talk about it with our kids?

For parents, there can be a lot of discomfort in talking to our kids about scary things like teen suicide and other dangers. These kinds of conversations bring up all ...
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How do I shop for a teen therapist in Woodland Hills?

If you’re looking for a teen therapist in Woodland Hills, or anywhere else, there are many factors to consider. Any therapist who is worth considering should take the time to ...
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Antidepressants for teens: when should you medicate your kid?

If you are considering antidepressants for your child, it is important to make an informed decision, and that requires consulting the right professional.
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Anxiety: What To Do If Therapy Doesn’t Help Your Kid

Hopefully you are your child’s biggest champion. Even if you are the advocate for your kid with the most at stake, sometimes it’s not enough. There are times when you’ll ...
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Self Care for Parents

So you say you don’t have the time and money for your own self care? We hear this from busy parents all the time. Focusing on your kids and being ...
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ADHD Kids and Online Dating

The ability of your 17 year old kid with ADHD to set boundaries is probably limited. She most likely will need your help, and she still will most likely push ...
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