Therapy Treatment

How Do I Breakup With My Kid’s Therapist

So, you’re not happy with your kid’s therapist, but your child feels attached and doesn’t want to let go. Stay calm; it’s important to remember that there will be a lot of emotions involved on both sides—yours and your child’s. The first step we recommend is to sit down and have a conversation with your child’s therapist. Try to understand what’s causing the strain in the relationship.

Teen Suicide – How do we talk about it with our kids?

For parents, there can be a lot of discomfort in talking to our kids about scary things like teen suicide and other dangers. These kinds of conversations bring up all kinds of scary emotions that we’d rather not go anywhere near. However, it is crucial to have these discussions in a calm and collected manner. If you’re scared or hesitant, your kid is going to pick up on it and match your energy.

How do I shop for a teen therapist in Woodland Hills?

If you’re looking for a teen therapist in Woodland Hills, or anywhere else, there are many factors to consider. Any therapist who is worth considering should take the time to speak with you, explain their process and answer your questions. Here are some of the most important things to think about when you talk to a potential candidate.