Current Events & Your Family

“How do we talk to our kids about the Coronavirus?”

View Video Transcript How do you talk to your kids about the coronavirus? That is today’s question on Tips on Teens. Thanks for joining us. My name is Kent Toussaint. ...
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“How do I talk to my kids about school shootings?”

View Video Transcript Hello, welcome to Tips on Teens. My name is Kent Toussaint, licensed marriage and family therapist, coming to you live on Facebook every noon on Wednesdays to ...
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“What can I do to support my sister’s family who lost their house in the fire?” The recent fires in California have been devastating for many families. We received a very sad question from someone whose sister lost their house in the fire, so for ...
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“Am I worrying too much that my daughter is obsessed with Justin Bieber?” In today’s society, many people become obsessed with celebrities, whether they be actors, singers, youtube stars, or even twitch streamers. Today’s Tips on Teens question comes from a mother ...
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“Any discussion about politics gets ugly and I feel it’s tearing our family apart. What can we do to get back to sanity?” Political discussions have a tendency to stir up all sorts of emotions and can get out of hand quickly. It can be even more heated when discussing these topics ...
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“Help my kid speak up and do the right thing!”

In light of the tragic shooting in Florida, Kent answers this important question sent by a parent: “So, unfortunately these days I think it takes a lot of courage for ...
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How to raise a kid with all the negative influences of the modern world? For the very first video blog, Kent answers the following question sent by a parent: The world of parenting has changed drastically over the years. I have to ask ...
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