Kent Toussaint

Unhealthy Relationship Patterns for Teens

View Video Transcript Welcome to Teen Therapy Center. My name is Kent Toussaint. I’m the founder and clinical director. We are a group private practice here in Woodland Hills, California. We are filled with therapists who are fun loving, professional, warm, and we specialize in helping kids, teens and families live happier lives. And we …

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Teen Suicide – How do we talk about it with our kids?

For parents, there can be a lot of discomfort in talking to our kids about scary things like teen suicide and other dangers. These kinds of conversations bring up all kinds of scary emotions that we’d rather not go anywhere near. However, it is crucial to have these discussions in a calm and collected manner. If you’re scared or hesitant, your kid is going to pick up on it and match your energy.

I discovered my kid is shoplifting, what do I do now?

Finding out that your child has been shoplifting can be a stressful and nerve-wracking experience for any parent. It’s important to approach the situation with calm and empathy, as being the adult in the room is crucial. Take a moment to compose yourself before addressing the issue with your child, ensuring that the conversation is constructive and positive.

How do I protect my kid from porn addiction?

In today’s digital age, the prevalence of pornography poses a significant challenge for parents striving to protect their children. Despite efforts to shield them, exposure to explicit content remains inevitable. The key to protecting your child’s mind lies in education and open communication.

Screen Time: How can parents take control?

Almost every family we work with here at Teen Therapy Center has some issues around screen time. Kids today were born as digital natives. In today’s digital age, children are growing up surrounded by screens and constant entertainment, leading to difficulties in self-soothing and coping without technology.