
Imposter Syndrome: Adjusting to College for People of Color

Imposter Syndrome is the feeling that whatever your achievements are, you’re still just not good enough. This can be particularly difficult to overcome if you’ve experienced discrimination based on your ...
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Learning Disabilities: How to support your teen

So you’re a little confused about learning differences/disabilities? We do a rough breakdown of Dyslexia and ADHD in this Tips on Teens video. But if you’re wondering what you can ...
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Homework and Chores: How do you get your kid to do them?

So you want to set some boundaries with your teenager so that they’ll do their homework and chores? Get ready to join the ranks of parents spanning the millennia of ...
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ADHD: Helping Your Kid Through The Holidays

Winter break can be a huge challenge for kids with ADHD. The structure and routine that going to school provides is really helpful for some.
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Applying for College: the myth of the “Good School”

This Fall many seniors will be applying for college. Many will be very stressed out about the expectation of getting into a “good college.”
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Losing Your Child To Adulthood

When kids go away to college it brings up a lot of emotions for parents. It’s typical for parents to experience a sort of grieving process in these situations
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Is your kid struggling to complete their homework more so than you think is reasonable? If so, the first step is to rule out any issues that you think might ...
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Quiet Quitting

“Quiet Quitting” is a name for something that ‘s been around a long time. It just hasn’t had its own hashtag until now. Quiet Quitting is when someone who doesn’t ...
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College: Sending Your Teen Off

For parents, sending a kid off to college can summon every parental fear you’ve ever had. Even as your teen is on the verge of adulthood, watching them leave for ...
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The Long Distance Relationship and Your Teen

As a parent, odds are you probably don’t want to see your daughter (or son) in a long distance relationship when they go to college. We get it! There are ...
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